When should I hire an Executive Coach? 

Answer: When you are ready for MORE!

There is a misperception by many who are considering executive coaching.

They believe that the “right” time to work with a coach is when you are at a metaphorical rock bottom in your career, biz, or life and are now in desperate need of professional support to fix things AND FAST.

Though this is a perfectly fine time to hire a coach, it is an emergency-based decision which is driven mainly by necessity, not the next level.

The motivation is to relieve the pain at the current circumstance, rather than a commitment to continual growth and expansion. 

Let me explain…

Yes, hire a coach if you find yourself at a dead-end in your career, or are unclear of your life purpose, or are stuck in a sales slump in your role or business…

But truly, the best time to hire an executive coach is when you are already seeing momentum, you are clear on what you want, and you are ready to use your resources to ensure you continue to achieve 2X your results often at 2X the speed.

Because the reality is, as soon as you get to the top of your next level, you are already at the beginning stages of a brand new plateau.

That is until you set your sights even higher and recommit.

Because each day you stay at this now old level, there is money and growth that you could be achieving, but instead, you are MISSING OUT.

There is a cost to growth stagnation, and if you can’t see that than I would have you ask yourself;

“Am I hiding from embracing my highest potential? Am I resting longer than I should at this current zone of achievement? ”

And if you think to yourself… “Well, I’m at the top of my life/career/biz, why would I need a coach?”

Well, the real question is why wouldn’t you invest in yourself to ensure that you achieve 2x MORE for yourself and your family?

Do top athletes stop working with coaches when they are in the prime of their career?

No, they hire more specialized coaches.

Do millionaires stop looking for new and other ways to make more money?

No, they continue to invest in what yields the highest financial return. 

Do business owners stop investing in marketing when it's proven to multiply their return?

No, they increase their marketing budget spend.

They know that to ensure maximum growth for the company and themselves they have to continue to reinvest their money back where they can get the maximum growth.

And by doing so, it all compounds.

Their money.

Their growth.

Their movement.

Their freedom.

Their ease.

Their impact.

Their results. 

All because they are driven to want MORE….

Remember, today's momentum can turn very quickly into tomorrow’s plateau, or worst yet, last month's unfulfilled promise.

Don’t stay at this current level for much longer.

Catch your breath and let’s keep on climbing!

In support of your growth and greatness,

Devin J. Weafer - MBA, BCC 

 "Live For What Matters"

Executive Coach & Business Consultant  

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